Episode 49: Trauma Informed Care – Part 1

Episode 49: Trauma Informed Care – Part 1
All humans experience life differently. Our journeys are as unique as the habits and behaviors we use to navigate the challenges we will inevitably meet along the way. For some, that journey can be influenced by events that cause intense physical and psychological stress reactions. These events are often referred to as traumatic. Traumatic events change a person and can create turmoil especially if these events occur in childhood. What science tells us is that the consequences of trauma are far-reaching and can be directly or indirectly linked to mental illness, chronic disease, suicide, and overall failure to thrive. A trauma-informed approach to healthcare acknowledges the existence of significant trauma (past and present) and the role it plays in the health and recovery of the individual. Today we will explore the role of trauma in chronic pain and how important a SAFE approach to care is paramount. The language we use, the movement we suggest, and the pharmacotherapy we dispense need to be based on minimizing fear and potential harm in order to allow these individuals to thrive.